Women are Natural Creators, We need not be told what to do, All we need is the time and resources to do it, Here you go!!!! Use the search box to the right to find just what you need
Willow Smith
Amongst the crowd of teenage pop stars, Willow Smith stands out. Rare and exotic energies burst from her being. There is evidence that she may have been raised in an atmosphere conducive to Freedom and Love for self, yet some are skeptical.
As lovers of all things independent from whatever attempts to control our transformation to higher selves, should we even be concerned with this teen celebrity?
Are we inspired by Willow? Are we frustrated by her obvious lack of concern for how we think she should live her life
The time is now to decide how our personal thoughts should evolve or stand still.
1.Program your Children's Minds with these Interactive videos
Instructions: In order to program the mind you must have three essential elements, sound/word, music/vibration and image. These videos include all three elements. Play the videos at least three times a month making sure you read the text on the videos out loud. When you begin to see your child dance and move around, you have successfully raised his frequency and programmed his mind to grasp the lessons and messages in the video. Give it a go.
As lovers of all things independent from whatever attempts to control our transformation to higher selves, should we even be concerned with this teen celebrity?
Are we inspired by Willow? Are we frustrated by her obvious lack of concern for how we think she should live her life
The time is now to decide how our personal thoughts should evolve or stand still.
1.Program your Children's Minds with these Interactive videos
Instructions: In order to program the mind you must have three essential elements, sound/word, music/vibration and image. These videos include all three elements. Play the videos at least three times a month making sure you read the text on the videos out loud. When you begin to see your child dance and move around, you have successfully raised his frequency and programmed his mind to grasp the lessons and messages in the video. Give it a go.
2. Economic Blueprint- Muhammad's Economic Blueprint will allow us to help ourselves in the attle to create jobs and end poverty and want. Under this wise economic plan, we can now use the collective power of our dollars to build a future for ourselves. With 5¢ a day, 35¢ a week, $1.40 a month and $18.20 a year multiplied by 16 million wage earners would give us $291,000,000 in one year! Everyone can give 35¢ a week as an investment in their future. Donate now and see what our pennies, nickels and dimes can accomplish!
3. Regal Realness-The premier website for women of color to live confidently, fabulously, and empowered. You are in the right place if you have ever needed an extra boost of motivation, an extra push to start living out loud, or even just enjoy reading thought-provoking words that make you think more deeply about who you are and who you want to become.
4.Black Fem.-This is a group for women who are ‘black’ in the political sense i.e. all women descended (through one or both parents) from Africa, Asia (i.e. the Middle East to China, including the Pacific nations), Latin America and those descended from the original inhabitants of Australasia, North America, and the islands of the Atlantic and Indian Ocean. This includes trans women. It was set up to provide a safe space to discuss the issues that affect us.
5.The Rational Argumentator-.Free Study Guide on Public-Choice Economics
6.Movie-Flying Confessions of a Free Woman
7.Movie- Teach your toddler "Who they are" with this classic film from the 90's
8.Movie-For African American boys, build self-esteem with the story of John Henry
9.Video- Teach young boys to work for themselves, short inspirational video
10. How To make your own Toothpaste, Get rid of Fluoride:
11.Outdoor Afro-Outdoor Afro is a social community that reconnects African-Americans with natural spaces and one another through recreational activities such as camping, hiking, biking, birding, fishing, gardening, skiing — and more!
12.Learn Kiswahili-Greetings
13. Learn Kiswahili- Flirting(lol, fun!)
14. Learn Swahili-Fruits
(For further study, Youtube it up! Just search Learn Kiswahili, you don't need to wait! lack of money is no excuse, but you know that, this is just a reminder.)
1.Newbie University-Resource for New Business Owners, This site is equivalent to taking an online course in Business Development, however; instead of paying full price tuition, you pay an annual membership fee of only $69.00.
2.Black Girls Run-Online resource hub created in 2009 by Toni Carey and Ashley Hicks. They have started a Nationwide movement to make fitness and healthy living a priority for Sis-stars. Lots of resources here to help you stay in control of your health. But what landed these queens a feature in FemWisdom's resource list is the Running Groups they have organized nationwide.
3.Cosmology Course- So you call yourself a Queen in this Universe?? Well don't you think a queen should have full knowledge of the Universe if she plans to reign wisely as queen. How can you govern yourself and your children in a universe you know nothing about?